Sunday, September 13, 2009

Caesar's Job Description

In January of 2008 , Barney Frank said:

I agree that it would have been better not to have had to fight over some of the issues that occupied us in the nineties. But there would have been only one way to avoid them -- and that would have been to give up. More importantly, the only way I can think of to avoid "refighting the same fights we had in the 1990's", to quote Senator Obama, is to let our opponents win these fights without a struggle.

Gotta get clear on whether you're trying to be Caesar or Savior, or you're going to fail dismally at either one.

Jesus loved his enemies, sure. Re-attached the arresting officer's ear and all that. He was explicitly not trying to prevail in the context of terrestrial realpolitik. Where "love-thy-neighbor" is fine, if it comes with a membership in the heavenly clique.

Which has what to do with being POTUS? Come on, J of N would make a terrible President, unless he brought Gawd's army into the picture, the way Judas apparently wanted him to.

Over in Pottersville, jurassicpork said last week that he didn't vote for Neville Chamberlain. Neither did I, and I damn sure didn't vote for Amateur Jesus.

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