Friday, January 25, 2008

Whose fault *is* this?

Can it be big business?
No shit, Sherlock. Call security.
It's time to put the blame on narcotics and sexual diversity,
What's the game? And I'm sick of the exclusion.
I'm sick of the stench of your clueless collusion.
OK, I'm not from the UK like Holmes or the fella at the other end of that link, but there's plenty of clueless collusion around here too. Nice local fella who wants to see HRC get the Dem nomination because "if you get Hillary, you get Bill too, and I trust Bill." Thing is, it'd be easier to accept if this were an adenoidal idiot speaking, but I can't explain it away that easily. If people who are *not* totally idiotic are going to get sucked in by the promise of triangulation to be at least better than total ratfucking evil and therefore functionally indistinguishable from the Dawn of a New Era, well then, fuck.

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